Community News
Companions of Caroona Auxiliary
Companions of Caroona Auxiliary held their monthly meeting at Caroona February 8 with a great role up of members. We had the pleasure of enrolling three new members, Lyn, Valerie and Natalie.
The new BBQ has now been purchased for the residents’ use and we donated 1/3 of the cost. Artificial flowers and shrubs have also been purchased for several areas of the facility, with more to come.
Our raffle held prior to the festive season boosted the coffers and now a mystery bus trip has been organised by Carol as a fundraiser and this will be held (in lieu of meeting) March 14, leaving Caroona at 8am. There are still a few seats available at $25 per head which will cover bus, morning tea and lunch etc. This will be a wonderful day out, as Carol is a whiz at organisation. Phone 0472 517 170.
There will be no meeting in March due to the fundraiser bus trip, so please mark your diaries for next meeting April 11 at Caroona Uniting commencing 2pm. New members always welcome at $5 membership. We would also love some men to join and give our treasurer some male company.
For further information phone Joy 6646 1124.
Joy Lauder