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Commonwealth kicks in $5000 to our local Surf Life Saving Clubs
Federal member for Page Kevin Hogan has welcomed the latest grants from the Commonwealth’s Beach Safety Equipment Fund which will see $5000 allocated to Surf Life Saving Clubs in the Northern Rivers.
“About $25,000 over five years is being provided to every Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) club, so they can purchase essential rescue equipment, first aid and medical supplies,” he said.
“Evans Head/Casino SLSC, Yamba, and Ballina Lighthouse and Lismore SLSC will all receive $5000 to help them help us this summer.
“The latest allocation from the Beach Safety Equipment Fund also gives me a chance to thank our fantastic local life savers for the wonderful role they perform in keeping us safe over summer.
“However, there is much more we can do to help them do their job.
“A recent National Coastal Safety Report found four-in-ten coastal drowning deaths occurred more than five kilometres from a surf lifesaving club – just 45 per cent of people swim at patrolled beaches during patrol hours – and three-quarters of people quizzed could not identify a hazardous rip current.
“The Australian Water Safety Council has an aspirational goal to reduce drowning deaths by 50 per cent by the year 2020; it’s something our government supports and I know everyone who uses Northern Rivers beaches will want to do their bit,” Mr Hogan said.