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Clarence Valley coastal emu survey on again
The September 2015 Clarence Valley coastal emu survey on again and locals are being asked to help out some of the Clarence Valley’s hardest working dads.
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Ranger Gina Hart said most people may not know that once the female coastal emu lays her eggs it is the males that takes over the hard work raising the chicks on his own.
“This includes incubating the eggs, raising the chicks through to adulthood.
This include protecting them from predators such as foxes pigs and dogs”, Gina said.
Keeping the spirit of Father’s Day the NPWS is once again calling for volunteers to assist the Clarence Valley Coastal Emu Survey on the 12th and 13th September 2015″, she said.
“The coastal emu, listed as an endangered population is only found between the Southern end of Yuraygir National Park and Angourie.
“By undertaking these surveys, we get a snapshot of the size of the population and gain information on what areas the birds are utilising.
“We know emus play an important role in seed dispersal throughout the valley but we know very little about where they are nesting and the number of young reaching maturity.
Volunteers from Tucabia, Red Rock, Halfway Creek, Brooms Head, Minnie Water, Sandon, Wooli, Iluka and Bungawalbin are sought. We are particularly keen to hear from local cane farmers who have emus on their properties over the next few weeks.
“The major threats facing our emus are collisions with vehicles. Temporary signage to highlight areas where emus are known to cross roads and have permanent signs with running tallies on the main coastal roads. However local motorists need to do their part.
“We should start to see this season’s young emerging
with their dads over the next few weeks so we ask all motorists to slow down on local roads.
“There have been reports of domestic dogs chasing emus and it is very important that people keep their dogs tied up at night”, Gina said.
Please call NPWS with any emu sightings over the three weeks so ‘hot spots’ can be identified. Anyone interested in joining the survey, can contact Ranger Gina Hart on 6641 1500.
The Coastal Emu is isolated from its inland relatives, and with a population likely to be less than 120 birds based on previous surveys, the future of this iconic bird is in jeopardy.