Community News

Clarence River U3a

Reminder to group leaders, our meeting is next Monday 6 July at 9am at Maclean Presbyterian Church Hall, leaders of all those groups entering art show on Tuesday 28 July are requested to attend to finalise arrangements. Members who are yet to re-enrol please contact Sue Spence urgently on 6646 8506,you need to be a current financial member to vote at July 28 AGM. We need nominations for all positions, current president, secretary, treasurer, men’s shed, publicity and group liaison are not seeking re-election. Forms are available on our website or Sue Spence. Ken Woods, guest speaker at ‘Joy of Gardening’ gave a great talk on orchids, covering pollination, propagation and the intricacies of one flower’s family tree. His photos of almost black flowers were stunning, thanks again Ken. Flower of month was Phyllis Telfer’s white camellia, Trish White was first in any other flower with her bright red gerbera. Thanks to Vicki for another quiz. ‘Let’s All Sing’ entertained the Sandpipers at Iluka on Monday 29 and residents of Maclean Retirement Village on Wednesday 1. These accomplished singers accompanied by Robyn Causley give so much pleasure with their regular performances throughout the community. Thanks and well done Anne Gray and singers. Robyn Adams’ ‘Meditation’ group commences 10am next Monday July 6 at Yamba Uniting Church in Angourie Road. Contact Patricia on 0419 749 232 or for the matinee of Les Miserable’s at QPAC on Saturday 21 November, travelling with Wards,$180. Ros Higgins