
Clarence Longboarders – good to be back surfing as a club. Image: contributed.

Clarence Head Longboarders – back on the waves

It’s been a long 12 months, waiting to get back in the water as a club. When Covid-19 hit, one of the many safe outlets for exercise was to keep surfing, but not as a club. How lucky we are to live in a paradise that allowed us to continue surfing, but getting together as a club was put on hold.

Finally the day arrived on February 21 but the surf had other ideas. Hardly a surfable wave in sight. So back again for another try the following weekend and everything aligned. Good weather, good surf and good friends battling it out for the first round win.  Not that I think anyone cared, it was just great to get back in the water as a club.  Even the groms got involved and had their own round.

Looking forward to the next club day on March 21.

Amanda Allan