Artist and gallery curator Cher Breeze has been announced the fine art judge at the 2017 Clarence River Arts Festival, to be held in Maclean showground from 7-9 July.
Ms Breeze has had significant involvement in Indigenous art curation, museums and collections management, and in various roles at the Grafton Regional Gallery from 2003-2008 and again from 2014-1015 as a curator.
“I am very excited to be judging this year’s fine art and sculpture sections, and even more excited to see the widening of the grand prize, the Open Art Award of $2000, to other fine arts like photography and art quilts,” Ms Breeze said.
Meanwhile, local arts stalwart Fay Boyd has announced a scholarship to her fine arts school for the best still life entry into the festival.
Entries for the festival must be submitted by June 23 and may be downloaded at www.clarenceriverartsfestival.com.au