Enjoying morning tea are Marie Rhineburger, Evelyn Lockhart, president Lyn Hinrichsen and Wendy Smith. Image: Beth Spence.
A social Monday morning was held recently and quite a few members descended on Lawrence.
The destination was Australia’s biggest bell collection. Firstly morning tea, this was enjoyed by all and a huge recommendation for the hot chocolate. We then moved on to ‘The Bell Room’. Words cannot really do justice to this collection which range from condamine bells to camel hoof bells, tram bells to school bells to elephant bells and everything in between. Stories told by the owner, Ross McLeod and how over the past 60 years he has compiled his collected were also fascinating. A walk amongst the nursery followed. Quaint and well cared for. What a delightful way to spend a morning. A must-see for locals and visitors.
Next luncheon meeting will be held on Monday June 19 at the Yamba Bowling Club. Start time is 10am for a 10.30 start. We will have a guest speaker from Busways.
New members and guest welcome. Bookings/apologies call Lyn on 6646 3164 the Friday prior.
Beth Spence