Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions and night work on the Pacific Highway from Monday 9 to Sunday 15 September for the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade.
From Monday, there will be short stoppages for six days in both directions on the Pacific Highway at Pimlico while vehicles access the worksite. Motorists are advised to follow the direction of traffic control and expect minor delays between 6am and 6pm.
Also from Monday, there will be two nights of work on the Pacific Highway at Coolgardie to carry out line marking and asphalting. Motorists can expect lane closures and short stoppages between 5pm and 6am.
Further south from Monday, there will be three nights of work on the Pacific Highway at New Italy to remove and install guardrails, and carry out line marking and asphalting. Motorists can expect lane closures and traffic control between 6pm and 6am.
From Tuesday, traffic on the Pacific Highway will be moved on a new section of road at Farlows Flat, weather permitting. This temporary traffic change will allow the project team to maintain capacity on the road network while they continue to safely build the upgrade.
From Thursday, there will be up to two nights of work on the Pacific Highway at Harwood to remove traffic barriers. Motorists can expect lane closures with occasional short stoppages between 6pm and 6am.
There will also be up to two nights of work next week on the Pacific Highway between Mororo and Tabbimoble to prepare for a traffic change. Traffic will be moved onto a new section of road between Mororo and Tabbimoble from Thursday, weather permitting.
Additional changes to local roads
From Monday, there will be six days of work on Jubilee Street at Townsend to build the new bridge. Motorists can expect lane closures, traffic control and increased stoppages to allow access to the site.
Also from Monday, there will be short stoppages in both directions for six days on Eight Mile Lane at Glenugie while vehicles access the worksite. Motorists are advised to follow the direction of traffic control and expect minor delays between 7am and 6pm.
From Wednesday, concrete bridge pieces will be lifted into place onto the bridge over Jubilee Street at Townsend for up to three nights. Motorists can expect short stoppages of up to 15 minutes in both directions between 7pm and 6am.
Asphalting will be carried out on Friday night on North Arm Road and Chatsworth Road south at Chatsworth Island. Motorists can expect lane closures and traffic control between 6pm and 6am.