Community News
Certificate of Service to UHA members
The United Hospital Auxiliary held their May monthly meeting on Monday 23 with 27 members in attendance and six apologies.
President Alba Linklater was back in the chair after being absent with health problems.
The U.H.A. is pleased to advise the community of the Clarence Valley there are now three donation boxes situated in the following locations: The Coffee Club – Shopping World; The Coffee House – Prince St; The Grafton Super Medical Clinic 4 Clarence St. Any donations placed in the boxes will go towards funding to purchase much needed equipment. Monies raised in Grafton is spent on equipment that remains in Grafton Base Hospital.
The U.H.A. would like to thank Grafton Fast Photo`s for their generous printing of three large copies of the ‘Rocking Horse’ that is to be our main prize in the U.H.A. Christmas raffle. Tickets may be purchased from the Gift Shop inside the hospital, at the tables in the Grafton Mall and also in Shopping World. Grafton Fast Photo`s has helped the U.H.A. on previous occasions in our efforts to advertise our fund raising efforts.
Doctor Tyson attended our meeting, he advised the member`s just how grateful the doctors are with the ‘Point of Care’ ultra sound machine the U.H.A. recently purchased for the hospital for almost $70,000.
Doctor Tyson then went on to present Certificates of Service to the following members, Gwen Mulherin, and Margaret Barkley. Not present at the meeting was Marcia Bartlett, she was later presented with her Certificate by Publicity Officer Elizabeth Holdway. Marcia has recently been unwell and the President and members wish her a speedy recovery.
Grafton Men`s Shed has again come to the aid of the U.H.A. in the restoration of the rocking horses. Thanks once again to the elves at the shed.
If you are visiting the Grafton Base Hospital, don`t forget to call in to our Gift Shop and have a browse at
your leisure. There is something for everyone including books, knitting, toy`s, pickles, jam`s and gifts. Shop hours are Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm. The shop is one of our fund raising projects, it is manned by volunteers of the U.H.A. The shop is also a place where mobile patients can go for a break from the wards and have a time out to help break up their day. The U.H.A. shop is inside the main hospital building on ground level and is situated in the old pharmacy section.
Crazy Whist will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month, next gathering will be on Monday June 20. Held in the Education Centre at the rear of the hospital, play begins at 1pm with afternoon tea provided. All welcome.
The next monthly meeting will take place on Monday June 27, also held in the Education Centre at the rear of the hospital, commencing at 1pm. If you would like to be a volunteer with the U.H.A. and assist our local hospital just come along to the next meeting, you will be made most welcome. Inquiries can be made by phoning 6644 8329.
Elizabeth Holdway