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The Fair Butcher – Maclean, team celebrated their first anniversary last week by handing out specials and cake, to thank their customers. Image: Fran Dowsett

Butchers celebrate 1st birthday

Lynne Mowbray|

The Fair Butcher – Maclean store, celebrated its first birthday last week with their customers receiving the presents.

The Fair Butcher owner Chris O’Connor said that on Friday last week both their stores in Yamba and Maclean ran a 10 per-cent off sale.

“We’ve had a lot of people through the stores making the most of the bargains, wishing us a happy birthday and grabbing a piece of cake to celebrate,” Chris said.

“Everyone’s rallied around us and supported us over the last twelve months so we thought that it was time to give something back.

“We’re quite proud of our position within the community and we’d like that to continue,” he said.

Last year Chris, the owner of Yamba Fair Butchery, purchased Maclean’s oldest butchery – ‘Walters Butchers Shop’ and went about lovingly restoring it, taking into account its history and tradition out of respect for long time owner Sid Jones, who had worked as a butcher until his death in 2013, at the age of 92.

“We’ve still got ‘Sid’s famous recipe’ sausages, which Sid’s son ‘Speed’, still has guarded under lock and key,” Chris said.

“We’re very proud and honoured to be a part of something that’s been a long standing butchers shop since 1896, which is extremely exciting for us.

“It’s been a great twelve months and it’s been really well received by everybody, which is fantastic and we’re really looking forward to the next twelve months,” he said.