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Big River Sailing Club commemorative gathering for Colin Redding

Big River Sailing Club members, friends from the district and lifetime friends of Colin’s from further afield came together last Saturday to bid him a final farewell. Colin had battled with illness for the last 10 months but in spite of this had made regular trips to the sailing club to engage with his friends during this time. He has had a long history of commitment to Big River Club, contributing in many ways. Long time friends gave some interesting accounts of the fun that they had as young boys engaging in exploits largely devised by Colin. Colin’s partner Jan kindly provided lunch for the crowd and following the ceremony club members took part in the usual afternoon racing. Conditions were perfect with a moderate breeze. It has been gratifying to see an increase in the numbers of members sailing and a boost in the attendance of junior and young adult sailors. Jan Carlin with Rod King who steered the 64 year old family speed boat “Wandera Too”, paid their respects to Colin as part of the ceremony. In the foreground a sea plane flown in by Phil Clare of the South Grafton Aero Club in honour of Colin, who’s other lifetime passion was aviation. Club news Big River now boasts a new training boat known as an “Envy”. This is a safe and stable boat which is ideal to introduce both juniors and adults to the sport. Despite its safety aspects it has surprising performance and also has the option of using a spinnaker for those who are a little more advanced in their skills. Coming up – Big River is set to host its Annual Regatta on February 18-19. Our formula for hosting regattas has been tried and has stood the test of time and attendees can be sure that they will have good racing, great food and fun times. The Saturday will involve a passage race down the Clarence towards Goodwood Island and Iluka while Sunday racing will be held on the stretch of water in front of the Clubhouse at Carey’s Lane, Harwood Island. Entries are accepted for all classes of “off the beach” dinghys and catamarans along with trailer sailors and yachts. Even if you don’t sail it is worth a visit as these regattas provide great spectacle for onlookers. You might even be tempted to return to Big River one Saturday for a free introduction to sailing and a ride in the new Envy dinghy. For more details of activities at Big River please visit our website and Facebook page by simply searching the club name. Lea Foster