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Austin 7s to visit Yamba
Lynne Mowbray |
If you’re looking for something to do this weekend why not get yourself down to Bowlo Sports and Leisure Club Yamba and check out the display of Austin 7s.
The Austin 7 Register of Queensland Inc will be visiting Yamba from March 23 to 26, for their touring rally.
Around 24 Austin 7s will travel from as far away as Agnes Waters, QLD, Armidale and Sydney.
The Austin 7s were built in England from 1922 until 1938, with the oldest Austin attending this event, being a 1925 Chummy – 93 years old.
The QLD Austin 7s club will assemble their vintage cars in the car park at Bowlo Sports and Leisure Club Yamba this Saturday and Sunday (March 24-25) between 8.30am and 9.30am, for public viewing.