Community News

CAPTION L-R Maclean artists Pat Jenkins, Malcolm King and Julie McKenzie at their pop up art gallery, which was opened to the public for one week only last week, utilizing an empty retail shop, in Maclean’s CBD. Image: Lynne Mowbray

Artists add colour to CBD

Lynne Mowbray |

There was an extra splash of colour in Maclean’s CBD last week, when a few local artists displayed their art works in a pop up shop.

The exhibition which was on display for one week utilised one of the empty retail premises in the centre of the CBD.

Maclean artist Malcolm King said that this was the second time the artists had displayed their art works in the pop up shop.

“Last time we had works by local artists Julie McKenzie, Malcolm King, Pat Jenkins, John Giese and Frances Belle Parker,” Malcolm said.

“We didn’t have Frances this time; but the idea is sort of like a loose co-op where people have got together to do a bit of collective marketing and promotion.

“There was quite a few vacant shops in Maclean and it’s good just to see from the feedback we’ve got, that people just love to come in and see locally produced art and we try and put on music events as well.

“This exhibition was only for a week but hopefully we will have another one around the October long weekend.

Lynne Mowbray

There was an extra splash of colour in Maclean’s CBD last week, when a few local artists displayed their art works in a pop up shop.

The exhibition which was on display for one week utilised one of the empty retail premises in the centre of the CBD.

Maclean artist Malcolm King said that this was the second time the artists had displayed their art works in the pop up shop.

“Last time we had works by local artists Julie McKenzie, Malcolm King, Pat Jenkins, John Giese and Frances Belle Parker,” Malcolm said.

“We didn’t have Frances this time; but the idea is sort of like a loose co-op where people have got together to do a bit of collective marketing and promotion.

“There was quite a few vacant shops in Maclean and it’s good just to see from the feedback we’ve got, that people just love to come in and see locally produced art and we try and put on music events as well.

“This exhibition was only for a week but hopefully we will have another one around the October long weekend.

“I think that it’s really lifted the vibrancy of the CBD. It’s better to have a shop open than closed,” he said.

“I think that it’s really lifted the vibrancy of the CBD. It’s better to have a shop open than closed,” he said.