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Anyone for Tennis?
Match results for 6 August: Anderson d McKenzie 5/3, Kriflik d Harrington 6/2 & Dredge d McAulay 5/3.
The new running scoreboard reads: Dredge 22, McAulay 21, Kriflik 17 (Sue Crompton & Di Anson both won all their sets), Anderson 12, McKenzie 10, Bruggy 5 &
Harrington 3. Don’t forget not all teams have had a bye yet.
Paddy won the tea/coffee tray raffle.
Draw for 13 August: McKenzie v Dredge, Bruggy v McAulay, Anderson v Harrington, Kriflik – Bye.
Team on duty Bruggy.
Happy belated birthday to Jenny Gorman on 20 July and Ruth Everuss on 4 August.
We still need reserves. If you are able to fill in for the odd game you can play 3 times without being a member. Just call Sue 0408 353 503 or Sharon 0456 125 388 for further information.