Community News

Annual land and stock return more valuable than you think

Local Land Services is urging NSW landholders to complete their annual land and stock return by 31 August 2018 and help maintain the state’s capacity to respond to emergencies. NSW landholders need to record their livestock numbers on 30 June and send to Local Land Services via post or online. Return information is invaluable in the event of an emergency disease outbreak, such as avian influenza or Hendra virus. Combined with Australia’s stock identification and traceability systems, it is an essential part of NSW biosecurity management. Landholders without stock still need to lodge a return, as this is also important information during emergencies. “Effective animal biosecurity and welfare is insurance to maintain market access for livestock producers,” said Local Land Services acting statewide Chair, Susan Madden. “NSW produce is free of many of the pests and diseases found in other parts of the world. “That is why Local Land Services works with land managers to monitor livestock and share up-to-date advice and information to increase productivity.” For more information, land managers should contact their nearest Local Land Services office on 1300 795 299 or visit the Local Land Services website – Landholders can mail back their completed form or complete online.