Community News
Anglican Parish of South Grafton
The AGM of our Parish took place recently and the following were elected to Parish Council for the coming year: Francis Kean – Rector’s Warden; Chris Cable and Alwyn Campbell – People’s Wardens; Parish Councillors – Bob Simkus, Wayne Jubb, Gwen Boman, Jim Clark; Bob Simkus – Parish Treasurer; Jim Clark – Assistant Treasurer; Wayne Jubb – Parish Secretary.
Men’s and Women’s breakfasts will recommence next month following the break over Christmas and the New Year periods. A Men’s breakfast will be held on April 16 with a Women’s breakfast on April 30. An invitation is extended to people in the wider community to join with us on these occasions.
Crazy Whist recommenced this week and always proves to be a fun night enjoyed by those who attend.
Our Parish has been successful in obtaining a grant from Anglicare North Coast to subsidise field study activities for disadvantaged students at South Grafton High School. Our Rector, Rev. Margaret Beach, recently attended South Grafton High where she presented a cheque for the grant to the Principal Megan Johnson.
Easter has come early this year and we have a variety of Services available for people to attend.
Thursday, 24th March, 6pm – Agape Meal and Service.
Good Friday, 25th March, 9am – Proclamation of the Cross.
Easter Saturday, 26th March, 5.30pm – Easter Vigil.
Easter Sunday, 27th March, 6am – Dawn Service, Lighting of New Fire and Eucharist.
Easter Sunday, 27th March, 8am – Easter Eucharist and Renewal of Baptismal Vows.
Easter Sunday, 27th March, 9.30am – Baptism.
At Coutts Crossing, 11am – Eucharist and renewal of Baptismal vows.
Gwen Boman