Looking for something to do and somewhere to go this Australia Day?
Check out the swag of community events which are happening all around the valley this Australia Day.
There is something out there for all the family.
Flag raising ceremonies will take place at Iluka, Yamba, Wooli and Lawrence which will be followed by an Aussie morning tea.
There’s also plenty around for the kids; with inflatable water slides, games and backyard cricket with live music, at the Iluka Bowls Club.
Bowlo Sports and Leisure Yamba have a jumping castle, face painting as well as prizes and giveaways, with music and barefoot bowls for the young at heart.
If it’s something wacky that you’re looking to do on Australia Day, then Coutts Tavern (at Coutts Crossing) is the place to be for the crab races at 2pm and casting competition. There will also be music, prizes and giveaways.
Whatever you choose to do, let’s get out there and join in the fun and celebrate this Australia Day, in true Aussie style.