Community News

Maclean Senior Citizens

As this is the first paper report for 2019 and I did not get to finish the November and December reports for the paper, as the end of last year was taken up with various functions which kept me busy, I will reflect on those functions.

A trip to the Big Banana on Thursday November 15 was disappointingly attended however those who did go enjoyed the day. A film was shown on how the bananas started and how they were packed in the shed.

Guest speaker at the December meeting was Louise Horan and Chris Brisbane from the Commonwealth Bank. A very interesting talk was given to our Seniors about aged care and home care and fees charged.

The Christmas party was held on Wednesday December 12, a Chinese smorgasbord was enjoyed by all and Alan’s Christmas pudding was again enjoyed by all. Entertainment was Bill Venn and everyone was happy with his music and sing-a-longs.

Anniversaries celebrated in December were Basil and Merrell Cotton (56 years: Joyce and Brian Cotton (57 years); and Nita and Danny Bell (61 years). Donations of $500 each was given to the Westpac Helicopter and Maclean Hospital Auxiliary.

On February 18 Marge and Laurie Thompson celebrated 58 years of marriage, also Betty and Alastair Barnier (59). A minute silence was held for Sandra Keighran who passed away in January. Sandra was vice president of our Seniors Club for many years and was on the committee at the time of her passing, she was a very willing worker and one of the first to put her hand up to help at functions and meetings.

A welcome back was given to Allan and Heather Lewellyn as Alan has been on the recovery list for quite a while, also welcomed back was Eileen McLeay who has been in hospital. Jim Gilvear nominated Kay Patterson to go on the committee, and Kay accepted.

Yamba Seniors day was on Sunday March 3 and 20 of our Seniors attended.

Our Seniors day was held on Wednesday February 20, it was an afternoon tea run in conjunction with Maclean Bowling Club, who supply all the catering and food and our Seniors prepare it. A big thanks to Julie who organised the decorations, they were outstanding and very pretty to set off the tables, also a big thanks to Aidan who helped set up the tables. Those who attended were Mareeba, Whiddon Group, Caroona from Yamba, Maclean Hospital Auxiliary and all our Seniors. There were 140 in attendance. The raffles went very well with 26 prizes donated by our members, thank you all for those donations. Also, Tombolas were donated by the members. Big thanks to Alan as he tirelessly worked setting up tables and helping with the older ones also setting up the tea and coffee and cleaning up after the afternoon tea, thanks to all those who worked in the kitchen and selling tickets. Thanks, Jessica, for all your computer work with signs, placemats and lots more.

Bev Thompson