We welcomed members and guests to the first meeting of the year and hope everyone enjoyed the festivities, and are ready for another great year.
We started the agenda, with our AGM and Zone Councillor Elizabeth Birch welcomed the new committee of 2019 and thanked the outgoing committee for their dedication and hard work. We wish the new committee all the best for another successful year.
At the February meeting we were happy to have four new members join our friendly Club. We look forward to planning outings and fundraising to help sponsor our ‘Learning For Life’ education students.
Guest speaker, Prue Leggo spoke on a project she helped get off the ground called ‘Working for Success’.
It is for unemployed women wishing to get back into the workforce. A very interesting talk, unfortunately, it is city based. Congratulations Prue, on receiving her OAM on Australia Day.
March guest speaker is Maree Mellor from Crane Community Support programme.
Morning tea roster: Rosemary Rackham.
Raffle donation: Barbara Foster.
Reminder: The May birthday theme is “All Things Tartan” and we will be attending Woolgoolga Club, the birthday will be on the 2nd Thursday instead of the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Apologies for the March meeting to Denise Hope by Monday February 11 on 0439 414 796; as well as any dietary requirements.
Sylvia Callaghan