Community News

Mr Gulaptis is pictured with members of the New Italy Museum committee. Image: Contributed

$2000 for New Italy Museum

The iconic New Italy Museum in the Richmond Valley has just won a $2000 grant from the NSW Government to help it display heritage silk and fabric items celebrating the settlement of the small community near Woodburn, Clarence Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis has announced. “Small grants like this might be dwarfed by the Government’s multi-billion dollar investment in the Pacific Highway upgrade which runs through New Italy, but they matter if you believe passionately, as I do, in building social infrastructure, “Mr Gulaptis said. “The New Italy Museum is a very special place unique to our region. I highly recommend it as not just as a great learning experience but also as a terrific place with great coffee at the Tastes of New Italy Cafe to stop, revive and survive on your Pacific Highway trip. “The displays are terrific, in part thanks to a 2017 NSW Government grant for the museum’s “Bringing New Italy voice to life: an audio visual project”. For more information, visit