Rodney Stevens
A proposal for a $13.279 million 16 townhouse development on flood prone land on at Yamba has been lodged and is under assessment by Clarence Valley Council.
The DA2023/0776 lodged by Brendan Walkinshaw for Enhance Urban Planning on February 15, 2024, proposes a two-lot subdivision of land at 30 Golding Street, Yamba, and a multi dwelling housing development of 16 townhouses on lot two.
The proposal seeks to divide the 10,145 square metres sqm of land into two Torrens Title lots, lot 1 a 1,279 sqm area of land with a 6-metre-wide driveway, and lot 2, 8,866sqm of land featuring 16 townhouses attached in pairs split by the driveway, with six townhouses on the northern side of the driveway and 10 on the southern side.
All of the townhouses are a three-storey design, featuring a double garage with storage at the rear on the ground floor, an internal staircase from the front porch leading to the open-plan first floor living area with kitchen, laundry, and powder room, while the third floor comprises three bedrooms, each with ensuite, linen cupboards and a study nook.
The proposed development will be constructed to the 9-metre height limit according to council’s Development Control Plan on land directly adjacent to Hometown Australia’s Grevillea Waters Yamba over 50’s lifestyle park.
The Statement of Environmental Effects SEE for the proposal states the land is flood prone and will require some fill, but architects have designed the townhouses to withstand flood inundation.
“The site is subject to flood inundation, and the dwellings have been designed to minimise the impacts of flood by partially filling the site, and also designing the ground floor of each dwelling to structurally withstand flood inundation in the event of a major flood event,” the SEE states.
“Detailed regional flood modelling taking into account the impacts of the proposed development accompanies the proposal, together with preliminary Civil works plans.
Under the Clarence Valley Local Environmental Plan LEP the site is zoned partly for General Residential (R1) and partly Infrastructure (SP2).
“The multi-dwelling housing has been designed to be contained entirely within the land zoned General Residential allowing for the future intended development of the infrastructure zoned land at an appropriate time in the future,” the SEE states.
“The site is located in a ‘Flood Planning Area’ and identified as being affected by the ‘Probable Maximum Flood Line’,” the SEE states.
“Clarence Valley Council’s Flood Planning Map indicates that 93.13% of the property is flood prone.”
Floodplain Management Controls which apply to the proposal state “The filling of flood liable land must not increase the flood risk on other land within the floodplain.”
This is addressed in the Flood Risk Management report submitted with the proposal which states “The addition of the proposed development at 30 Golding Street will not have an adverse impact on flood behaviour.”
The DA2023/0776 was placed on public exhibition last week and submissions from the public are welcome until the deadline of 4pm on March 25.
Anyone making a submission is advised they are not confidential and considered public documents.
To make a submission or for more details on the proposal visit