An energetic group of young touch players headed to Woodenbong on Tuesday February 25, to contest in a gala day against many other Northern Rivers schools. The day culminated in a possible/probable trial for zone team selection.
Both boys and girls’ teams showed a huge amount of skill, pace and dedication and dominated every game they played by multiple tries.
Congratulations to the seven girls and five boys who made selection for the Zone team – Alani Berry, Yayden Campbell, Yasmin Elabbasi, Gus Gilbert, Sienna Gilbert, Kalani Henwood, Luke Lambert, Ben Morris, Mia Phelps, Leilani Read, Zoe Salariosa and Zephyr Trotman. We wish them all the best at Bowraville for the North Coast selection trials on March 20.
Thank you also to the rest of the teams members as without your support their selections would not have been possible.
Mrs Lowe and Miss Bowley