Rodney Stevens
A development application DA2024/0106 for the demolition of an existing house and construction of six affordable housing units in Grafton is currently being assessed by Clarence Valley Council.
Lodged by Paul and Margaret Dougherty, the DA proposes demolishing an existing wooden home at 229 Bacon Street and replacing it with a $1.13m development featuring six two-bedroom units, six covered residents parking spaces, and two visitor parking spaces on the 1196.2 square metre site.
The Statement of Heritage Impact SHE lodged with the DA states that the existing residence at “229 Bacon Street is a poorly presented weatherboard Federation style residence with basic detailing as a residential cottage.”
“The proposal preserves this character of bulk and scale by presenting a near replica of the façade of the existing cottage to the streetscape which allows for the addition of detailing in façade treatment and column detailing,” the SHE states.
“It could arguably be seen, to enhance the heritage values of the Grafton Heritage Conservation Area by removing a dilapidated building that is uneconomical to restore and replacing it with a modern, practical alternative providing much needed affordable accessible housing in the area and preserving the bulk scale and intent of the Conservation area of Grafton.”
Architect’s images of the proposed development show each unit featuring covered carparking at the front, which is accessible along a common 3.19-metre-wide driveway, and enclosed courtyards at the rear with clothes lines.
The Building Sustainability Index Certificate BASIX lodged with the DA shows the proposed development meets sustainability standards on water, with two 3000l rainwater tanks on site, thermal performance, energy, and materials.
The Statement of Environmental Effects SEE states the site may require 200mm to 300mm of fill before construction.
The SEE also states that the proposed development will provide affordable housing for middle to older aged people, and the site is clear, with no trees requiring removal.
Once assessed by council planning staff the DA will be placed on public exhibition and submissions from the public will be invited.
Submissions from the public are considered public documents and anonymous submissions aren’t accepted.
For more details on the DA visit