Community News
Yamba Yabbies Toastmasters
Black and White was the theme Toastmaster Joy chose for the evening and all looked their splendid best.
We had a visit from A17 Director, Garry Euston and his wife Alison. Garry conducted our Change Over of the Executive for 2016/17 year with Jan Coleman (President), Joy Lauder (VPE), Pam Newman (Treasurer), Deyann McDonnell (Secretary), Jeanette Collin (SAA), Annie O’Dell (VPPR), Jan Booth (Membership). Joy presented Jan C with a gift as the Outstanding Toastmaster for 2015/16 and a small token to Garry in appreciation for attending.
Yamba Yabbies achieved the highest award for 2015/16 – Presidents Distinguished.
Our keynote speaker was Ian Lauder who told us all about his life from Charleville in Queensland, helping run the Sunray Motor Inn in Toowoomba and retiring to Yamba. His involvement with Lions in Toowoomba and Yamba Lions Club. He spoke about his time as a Director then President of Yamba Bowling Club, working with CEO Phil and his Board and what the Club has achieved recently with refurbishments and the new family entertainment centre which will be such an asset to Yamba and visitors alike in the neart future. It was a well structed speech and well done Ian.
Garry conducted Table Topics with Maureen, Jeanette, Pam, Michael, Joy and Alison as speakers. Brian and Ilma were Evaluators. Noel excelled as timer and thanked Jeanette as his assistant. Alison held a Soap Box segment speaking about trolleys in carparks at supermarkets. Jan B spoke on queue jumping and Brian on vouchers and a little about the Queen’s English on his recent trip to Europe.
Meetings are held 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month at Yamba Bowling Club commencing 7pm. Visitors are always welcome.
Joy Lauder