Members please note, due to instructions received from head office all meetings and social outings are to be cancelled until further notice. Unfortunately this will mean no coffee morning at Pinewood Corner on Monday March 30.
Members are requested to listen to advice given out and to take steps to ensure their protection. Keeping a caring eye on those that live alone is the VIEW way of helping to look after our older members.
We were fortunate to hold our International Women’s Day function in time. Thank you to Yamba Day ladies who helped to make this an enjoyable day. Every task assigned to us was carried out, plus some.
At the March meeting our guest speaker was Debbie from Yamba Cinema. What an interesting and enjoyable talk on how the cinema started in Yamba, and how it has evolved from large reels of film to digital.
Debbie also spoke of future plans for the top cinema in town. Thank you for your first-hand insight into the world of owning and operating a cinema.
At this time we must say thank you to Yamba Bowlo and staff for their help prior to this crisis. To Craig and staff a huge thank you, we are most
appreciative of the way you looked after our club. Craig has asked me to inform you that he will home deliver meals to the door, pizza etc, with payment to be phoned in by credit card. Very enterprising Craig!
Lyn Hinrichsen