Community News

Yamba Day VIEW Club

Our soup and dessert day proved to be very enjoyable, even though the member’s numbers were greatly depleted due to various reasons. This was our ‘Winter Appeal’ support day and money raised, as every year, will be forwarded onto The Smith Family to help those in need.

I remember when we were young, picking up the mat from the floor or using an unfolded cardboard box to place on top of us to help keep us warm. One can visualise the comfort and shelter needed from this winters cold winds.

Janice from Postie Fashions displayed items of clothing for purchase, with a percentage of sales going to the fundraising effort; thank you Janice.

Yummy soups were the order of the day, well done ladies and those desserts were delicious!

Remember to keep September 28 (Saturday afternoon) free for our fashion parade at Treelands Centre. Our delicious High Tea, served after the parade, will again bring out the baking challenge in our ladies.

Monday August 19 will be our luncheon meeting with Leah and the students from Palmers Island School visiting us to show us their skills. Starting time is 10am for a chat, with the meeting to commence at 10.30am; please check which room we will be in as the Riverboat Room is undergoing renovations.

Lyn Hinrichsen