The Yamba Catholic Ladies will have their Annual General Meeting on Monday September 2 at Ted Howe Room at 2 pm.
The “Spring Fair” will be held on Saturday September 21. This is the Group’s yearly fundraising event to be held at St. James Catholic Church ground. We are seeking donations of usable kitchen goods, linen, clothing, books, plants, bric-a-brac, cakes and slices.
Men and women, who are interested in assisting the ladies, in setting up the Fair, are very welcome to come two days prior to the event. Please drop off your donation on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 2pm at Ted Howe Hall.
The contact persons: Rose Kirby 6646 8029 or 0488 075 221; Liz Kempnich 6646 9272; Carol Turk 6646 8585.
Rose Kirby