Following last month’s Muster with Ballina’s Lyn Jerrett, this Sunday August 25 we head south to find our guest artist, in Macksville based Dianne Coombes. Having performed here with us on a number of occasions, Dianne’s choices of material and pleasant vocals, along with her personality, endears her to all connected with the club. Dianne will be made most welcome, knowing that the audience will again be the winners on the day.
Also on deck again this week we have Paul Agar on pedal steel. Paul only just made it home in time for last month’s muster, after spending a fortnight in Hawaii attending and actually participating in the annual international pedal steel convention. It is classed as an honour to attend this gathering of the world’s finest guitarists let alone being invited to join in. Well done Paul, we are indeed fortunate and extremely grateful to have Paul’s input at our musters.
It was with great pleasure that during the course of the afternoon our veteran poet Noel Charles announced the pre-release of his much anticipated book of poems. Officially to be launched the following week, Noel felt obligated to his staunch supporter base (most of whom also follow the line dancing and country music) to let them have first chance to secure a signed copy of his publication. The response saw Noel having to journey home to collect further copies; another feather in your cap Noel, congratulations and well done. The music club’s A.G.M. will be held at the conclusion of Sunday’s Muster and I again stress how important this meeting will be. Constructive criticism or ideas on how to get more people thru the door would be much appreciated.
This Sunday Markets are on early, music at the Bowlo noon till 4pm, lunches available, $5 entry include an afternoon cuppa. Please try and make it, it will be a good day.
Graeme Routson