Community News
What makes a truly great school?
Research has shown that expensive school buildings, high school fees and landscaped grounds do not make a school a successful one.
What really matters is the quality of the leadership of the school and the teaching in the classroom. At Maclean Public, teachers and administrative staff work with students, families and the community to offer high quality learning across a broad range of areas. Core to our teaching and learning experiences will always be Maths and English. What makes our school special are the extra opportunities offered for students to grow in other areas including music, sport, citizenship, visual arts, public speaking, gardening, cooking, student leadership, Information and Communication Technologies and film production. In 2016, we will begin teaching the Yaegl language, Yaygirr, to all students and will begin a Djembe Drumming performance group. Our teaching and administrative teams aim to develop confident, articulate and successful students. Our staff and students love our school and the 2015 successes have been many – including Eisteddfod, Premiere’s Debating and Sporting wins. Our Principal, Sandra Armstrong, welcomes your enquiries. She can be contacted on 6645 2544.