Front page coverage about probable extreme rainfall, flood-damage, more frequent storm events in the Clarence region are mentioned on 6 pages in last week’s Clarence Valley Independent (3/4/24).
When our local paper is flooded with this amount of coverage about our local weather, it reflects the fact that increasing numbers of residents are worried about becoming wet above the ears.
Put simply, what’s causing the threat of more frequent and severe weather events in our area and along much of the east coast of Australia? And what, if anything are those we elect going to do to lessen the likelihood of extreme future weather events?
Our warming world holds more moisture in the atmosphere- there is 7% more moisture in the atmosphere with 1 degree of global warming and because “Everything is connected to everything else” we now receive more rain than in the past.
What can we do to help ensure our kids and grandkids will be less likely to be wet above the ears when they are older?
On Page 17 in last week’s paper, Major General Peter Dunn, a member of Emergency Leaders for Climate Action has this practical suggestion for positive action: “Now is the time to make decisive moves towards leaving fossil fuels behind, to protect our kids and grandkids from living through even worse fires and floods.”
In the end, the future is what you choose.
“Everything is connected to everything else.” Laws of Ecology. Professor Barry Commoner (1917 -2012) an American cellular biologist whose 4 Laws said in essence “We all live downstream.”
Harry Johnson, Iluka