Wendy Shanahan wins A Grade at Yamba
Occasional player Wendy Shanahan was winner of A Grade on Wednesday with 37, from constant rival Suzanne Scott who scored 36. Judy Palich was B Grade’s winner with 35c/b and Dulcie Nurse runner-up also with 35.
Only 47 players competed as 14 regulars were playing in the WGNR tournament at Casino, so the event was changed to a Single Stableford. The 2BBB-v-Par is now scheduled for August 12.
Pin winners were 3 – Yamba Medical Centre – Joy Penny, 3/2 – Yamba Florist – Maureen Dumbleton, 9 – Yamba Prop Shop – Kathy Parker, 10 – Yamba Fair Butchery – Tina Earp, 12 -The Shoe Boutique – Jennifer Fagan, 17 – Clovelly Fashions – Janelle Carpenter and 17/2 – The Block – Libby Ord.
Fifteen competed in the 9 holers’ event and the winner was Rita Fisher (visiting from Cootamundra) with 16 points. Winner of the nearest to the pin was Julie Vernol.
Well done to the ladies who played at Casino, many of whom returned home with trophies.
Damp weather conditions reduced the field on Friday to 15 and the Single Stableford was won by Lyn Rowland with 32 points. NTP’s were 3 – Tom’s Seafood Chinese Restaurant – Lee Daley, 9 – Peter Campbell Physiotherapy – Carrie Aitken, and Carrie also won the pin on 17 – Wato’s Fish & Burgers. 10 – Kitchen to Table – was won by Kathy Parker and 12 – Yamba’s Fisho’s – Joy Penny.
It is time to start planning for the annual October Tournament when donors of raffle prizes and offers to assist on the course or in the club-house will be gratefully received by the Committee. Please see Penny Cope or Deirdre Gough if you would like to help with the concert.
Pauline McKinnon