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Weighbridge grant will help prevent illegal dumping in the Clarence Valley

A licensed waste operator in the Clarence Valley has been successful in securing funding under the NSW Government’s Round 2 Weighbridge Fund, Clarence MP, Chris Gulaptis announced last week. Mr Gulaptis said McLennan Earthmoving will receive $47,075 to enable it to install a weighbridge at the Clarenza Resource Recovery and Waste facility in order to comply with new waste regulations. “As part of the NSW Government’s waste reforms, from 1 February next year, all licensed waste operators who pay the waste levy will need to have a weighbridge to keep track of the waste they receive and store, and the grants help make that happen. “This regulation is an important step in combatting illegal and irresponsible operators, and will help those who do the right thing. “Weighbridges help operators to keep track of the waste they receive and improve the Environment and Protection Authority’s ability to monitor the movement and storage of waste across NSW, which ultimately helps address illegal dumping,” Mr Gulaptis said. Grants of up to $75,000 were available in Round 2 for licensed waste operators to install weighbridges and another $1.6 million in grants is available in Round 3 (up to $75,000). The third round of grants will bring the total NSW Government investment in the Weighbridge Fund, which is part of the government’s $465.7 million Waste Less Recycle More initiative, to almost $3 million. For more information on the Weighbridge Fund visit