
Vote Yes for Australia


With the world around us burning, flooding, split apart and churning

We need a voice of knowledge to explain

What corruption and self-serving, (news from whistle blowers unnerving),

Why we victims of their greed should feel such pain.


For destruction has no winners, and the smirking, selfish grinners,

Will inherit deep set problems they can’t solve

An Indigenous Voice is needed, and their warnings must be heeded

For an educated Aussi to evolve.


To deny Australian culture, is to let loose any vulture

Who will kick to death all things we have unique

For the wealth’s among the living, not cold, hard or unforgiving

But a strong united people we should seek.


Can we live without the sneering, and the cruelty, spite and jeering

And the mob-style crowing of a hate filled crowd?

Cos it doesn’t take a genius, to know pure lying meanness

Will never build a land to make us proud.


If our Colonial past was altered, and ambition for Britain faltered

We would see Australia at its very best.

Not an England, second rated, but the true Australia feted

The referendum answer must be YES.


Jocelyn Wrench, Iluka