Community News
Uniting Caroona Yamba Open Day
Uniting is keen for people to know what we achieve in your community.
Uniting Caroona Yamba and Uniting Home Care Far North Coast are having our annual Open Day on 17 June. We will start with morning tea at 10am and close at 1pm following a BBQ lunch. All are invited to come along, see our beautiful aged care building and grounds, talk to our wonderful home care staff, talk to our residents and ask questions about the range of things we do.
We will have specialists from our physiotherapy services, our hard working Companions of Caroona group, representatives from our volunteers and our skilled clinical staff on hand to offer advice and guidance if anyone needs it.
Residents are preparing their home to show the range of activities they do, offer delicious home cooked morning tea and are willing to talk to anyone interested in what it is like living here. We can answer your questions around what it takes to start with home based community services or to come into Caroona Yamba as a resident.
Guided tours of the building will start every half hour from 10:30am to show off the many varied areas and activities our residents and visitors share. Information bags of goodies and raffles will be run on the day. You are welcome to come along and enjoy our company at Caroona Yamba 4 Freeburn St, Yamba. If you are unable to attend but would like information, please contact 6646 3211 to register you interest. We look forward to meeting you.