Tom’s done it again
Lynne Mowbray
Following up from our story on Tom McKenna back in early October; Tom’s Dragon Boat success, the Dragon Boat paddler from South Grafton has done it again.
Tom has just returned from the 16th Australian Masters Games which were held in Launceston, Tasmania on October 21 – 28, with another swag of medals.
Tom said that he paddled in the over 60’s Grand Masters Open C’s, in two divisions (Open and Mixed).
“In the Opens I received gold,” said Tom.
“In the Mixed division, my team the ‘NSW Motley Crew’ was pipped at the post by the other NSW team, with them getting gold and us receiving silver.
“I also paddled in the Cancer Survivors race and we won gold and came first in every race we competed in,” he said.
Tom said that he competed in the Open B’s Mixed 50-60’s group and also won gold in that division.
“That team had the fastest time over the distance in the whole of the carnival,” said Tom.
“I competed in four divisions and took out three gold and one silver.
“My team competed in 11 divisions and came either first or second in every race they entered.
The highlight of the week for Tom though, was being chosen by his team to collect the gold medal in the Cancer Survivors division on behalf of the rest of the survivors.
“I considered it a great honour to represent the people I paddled with, up on the dais,” he said.