
The year that was for Yamba lady bowlers

On Thursday December 2 there were Santa fairies mingling with the bowlers dressed in their Christmas finery and there was music, dancing and even a pin the nose on the Santa and his trusty reindeer as our members finished their 2021 bowling year with a bang. All of this followed by a delicious lunch complete with oodles of crustaceans provided by our resident fisherwoman.

Competitions for hampers (a big thank you to our members who provided the goodies) and the usual money board put a smile on the face of many lucky winners. Then it was the drawing of our major raffle which was won by our member Pauline Chilcott. Second prize went to none other than our President Bev and third prize went to Helen Atkinson. Thanks to all who supported our raffle and to our Roz Moore for donating the third prize.

We were honoured to have as our guests – CEO Phil Boughton and all the way from South Grafton – District President Denise McLaughlin. And also joining us for the festivities our loyal sponsor Debbie May – thanks so much Debbie for the weekly flowers so much appreciated by all of us lucky enough to win them. And as usual our wonderful Life Members – Shirley Drum and Lyn Olsson who never miss attending all of our events and provide such wonderful support to us throughout the year. And lovely to welcome back older retired members – Fay Reeves and Bev Lawson. And not forgetting the gentlemen guests in attendance – Bob Ballantyne and Dave Atkinson (and Maz who couldn’t make the day because of a commitment elsewhere). These great blokes have given us enduring support throughout the year on all our tournaments and special days – we thank you all.

Drummy, Denise & Judy

So many to thank for making our year (what we had of it) – just work! Welcome all you new members too – may you have many happy and successful days with us for many years to come.

Firstly, President Bev – who with a steady hand on the tiller, guided us through these difficult times with her calm demeanour and loyalty to her Club – and with the help of her “hand-maidens”- Vice-Presidents Lois Duncan and Jude Pryor. 

Secretary Joan – always sacrificing her game of bowls for “something that had to be done”- and yet still turning a tidy game when she did manage to get a game in. 

And Roz – hardworking, helping out, – it seems everywhere and guiding her band of selectors; Judy, Cathryn, Sue and Robyn – to keep us out there playing the game each and every bowling day.

Thanks to a great bunch of willing helpers. Not taking time off either is our Roz – she’ll be running the Tuesday mixed bowls throughout the break (except for Tuesdays December 21 and 27).

Our wonderful Match Committee – in the more than capable hands of Chair Wendy and her cohort Kaye. What a year it’s been for this duo – with no bowls for weeks due to lockdowns – these girls had then to re-shuffle all the competitions to get the bowling year completed. And they did! What a great job by both these wonderful, conscientious ladies.

And on the culinary side of things – Cheryl and her band of helpers – what a great job. Keeping everyone fed and watered for all our special days – willing and ready on all occasions. Thank you so much.

Can’t miss our greenkeepers – Graham, Nathan and Tony – we love your work and are so grateful to have such great greens for play.

And congratulations to our 2021 Champions both Club and District – you have made us proud. And also, good luck to our successful No 4 Pennant team – off to Cabarita in February to contest the Regional playoffs, with an eye on State finals.

Altogether, with the help and support of CEO Phil and his Board of Directors we are in a very good place – with hopefully COVID on the backfoot and another year of challenges on the greens to come.

The day came to a conclusion with the coveted “ham draw” and 15 lucky bowlers left with one space on their Christmas fare shopping list ticked off whilst the remainder had to be satisfied with a little earner for their Bowlo Bucks points.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and let’s make 2022 extra special as we hopefully feel the fresh breezes of freedom for one and all. Bowls resumes on January 27.

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