
The Salvation Army’s New Year message

Ed, The Salvation Army has been overwhelmed with the incredible outpouring of support and generosity from the Australian public with our Christmas Appeal raising $15 million to help those in need. We have been heartened to see our community unite and give hope where it’s needed most. For many people in Australia and around the world, 2017 was a year that was filled with adversity and challenges. Sadly, The Salvation Army continues to see an increase in people facing hardship, distress and crisis. With all of life’s injustices, it can sometimes be hard to hold onto hope. So as we enter the New Year let us prioritise empathy, respect and compassion for one another, never underestimating the power these qualities can bring to those in need. Let us renew our commitment to persevere and help those who are suffering, empowering them with love and hope. And let us not underestimate the influence we all have to make a difference in the lives of others. Leigh Cleave Communications & Fundraising Director – The Salvation Army