This exciting new Club recently experienced its first field trip to a burnt-out area in order to investigate any recovery – to Kangaroo Creek. How amazing is nature!
What flora and fauna were seen? Native grasses have returned, sedges and shoots of trees and green everywhere. The dry rainforest section showed great resilience with shoots of native trees bursting through the burnt ground.
Quite a number of birds were noted, particularly the larger variety ie glossy black cockatoo, Australian king-parrot, magpie to name a few. A couple of smaller birds were also noted – eastern yellow robin and the blue-faced honeyeater.
An animal scat was found. What did it belong to – a wallaby or kangaroo? After breaking up the scat the result was eastern grey kangaroo. As well a very small frog was found which turned out to be an ornate burrowing frog. So, the bush is returning.
More field trips are planned in the future, hopefully finding koalas in safe refuges.
You might like to join this specialty Lions Club. If so, contact Robin Parker on 0439 440 020.
Robin Parker