Glenreagh Museum’s annual art and photography exhibition, ‘Cedar and Steam’, will be held on April 12-13 in the Glenreagh School of Arts (aka The Hall).
Our own Golden Dog towers over the village and, if you follow the Glenreagh Facebook page, you will know that the canine residents feature prominently….lost? found? being a potential nuisance? etc. The dates for this year’s exhibition coincide with a three-day dog agility and dog sporting event at the Glenreagh Recreation Grounds. So, we will be promoting dogs.

Paintings, drawings, cross stitch, sculptures and photos of adorable, playful dogs will be featured in a special category. Interest in entering has also rolled in from the human contestants at the ‘dog meet’ and it will be a lovely way to connect with those who will have travelled far and wide to come to Glenreagh that weekend.

Apart from the Dog category there will be the five usual categories; Photography, Painting, Drawing, Fibre and Sculpture. These categories are then divided into two sections, Youth (under 18 years old) and Open.
Clarence Valley Council has designated the month of April to support the arts and culture sector through the Plunge Festival. Cedar and Steam is held during this period and is included in the 120 events that showcase the best the Clarence has to offer.
The Museum has a lot of the history of the Glenreagh to Dorrigo mountain railway recorded. This year the exhibition will have a special display of the late artist, Phyllis Holmes, who was an accomplished painter and sculptor. She explored the rail line in the 1970s and 1980s and painted the trains and the sidings. Phyll recorded this important part of our local history on crosscut saws, canvas and raw timber. Phyll’s son, Chris Holmes from Coffs Harbour, is kindly loaning us a selection of his mother’s work to display at this year’s exhibition.

Another guest exhibitor, Cheryl Fisher, will have a display of her amazing paintings, including recent portraits of her five adult sons. The Fisher family lived in the Glenreagh area when the boys were growing up and Cheryl’s paintings are sold far and wide.
Eight of the hinterland primary schools have entered their student’s work under the title of, Waterways-Our Life And Link. From Upper Orara to Nymboida, and all in between, the children (and their creative teachers) have explored the beauty of the creeks and rivers that bind them together. The kinder and year one students at Lowanna photographed their creek with their i-pads and then printed out the images. Onto the photo they then collaged colourful creatures that live locally in the water, such as fish and platypus.

The Hall doors will open at 6pm on Friday April 12. Entry costs are $5 per person or $25 per family, which includes a light supper of soup, sandwiches, hot finger food and sweets. The Official Opening will be at 7pm when the Clarence Valley Mayor, Peter Johnstone, will present the prizes to the worthy winners in each section. Over a thousand dollars in prize money will be awarded and we are very thankful for our sponsors; the Glenreagh Creative Group, the Golden Dog Hotel and the Clarence Valley Council.

Cedar and Steam continues on Saturday April 13 from 9am to 3pm. A $2 entry fee is charged…or $5 if you would like to include morning tea with your visit. So come along to an authentic community event and be inspired by the local artistic talent, to encourage the artists and to be part of Glenreagh Museum’s event of the year.
Honi Reifler OAM