From the Newsroom

Tender awarded for water treatment plant

Rodney Stevens

A $19.011 million tender for the design and construction for a new Rushforth Road Water Treatment Plant (RRWTP) 16 megalitre reservoir and 1.5 megalitre Chlorine Contact Tank has been awarded to Pensar Construction Group Pty Ltd after councillors voted unanimously to award the tender at the April council meeting.

At the Clarence Valley Council CVC meeting in February 2023, council resolved to note a masterplan for the Rushforth Road Water Treatment Plant RRWTP which proposed stage 1 works to construct a 1.5 megalitre chlorine contact tank and a 16 megalitre treated water tank to replace the existing 32 megalitre “turkeys next” storage facility, which had reached the end of its life, at a maximum estimated cost of $19 million.

The location of stage 1 works was selected based on if council resolves to proceed with stage 2, the construction of a filtration plant.

Then at the April 2023 CVC meeting, council resolved to note three shortlisted potential tenderers to undertake an early tendering involvement process for the stage 1 works.

Council engaged consultants Beca H2O to call for “design, develop and construct” tenderers to construct the new reservoir and chlorine tank at the RRWTP in December 2023.

After tenders closed on February 22,2024, two tenders and one alternative were received, which were evaluated by a panel comprising Beca H2O and council staff.

Council business papers revealed the tender assessment was based on price 70 per-cent and 30 per-cent non-price criteria, with tenderers requested to provide an indication of savings if council took out Contract Works Insurance instead of the contractor.

The tender evaluation committee found the savings indicated by Pensar Construction Group were considerably less than the quote council’s insurer provided for Contract Works insurance, and therefore recommended Pensar Construction Group be awarded the tender.

The recommended tender amount for Pensar Construction Group includes the company taking out its own Contract Works insurance.

At the April 23 CVC meeting, Cr Greg Clancy moved the council officer’s recommendation which was seconded by Cr Ian Tiley:

That, subject to a satisfactory financial assessment, Council accept the tender from Pensar Construction Group Pty Ltd for RFT 23/050 “Rushforth Road WTP Reservoir Upgrade” in the amount of $19,011,098.02 (including GST) to be funded from PJ950571 (Scope and Design Rushforth 32ML Replacement Reservoir).

Councillors unanimously supported the motion.