Main image: Taylor Roberts on her wedding day. Inset: Taylor Roberts on her honeymoon. Images: Contributed.
At 21 years old, Taylor Roberts had just bought her first home with fiancé Kyle and was planning her dream wedding when she was diagnosed cancer, a germ cell tumor in her ovary.
As a woman in her prime, Ms Roberts continued to organise her wedding whilst undergoing two operations, four rounds of chemotherapy to treat her cancer. This was not her first experience with the disease as Taylor had already lost loved ones to cancer and her Nan had bravely gone through breast cancer previously.
“After finding out I had cancer the biggest question asked was, was I going to postpone the wedding? My answer was obviously no, I’d already paid and organised the majority of it and unless I was terminal, it was going ahead,” said Ms Roberts.
“No one ever thinks it will happen to them and I want the public to realise it doesn’t matter how old or how healthy you are, cancer doesn’t discriminate,” said Ms Roberts.
After three weeks of chemotherapy, Taylor’s hair began to fall out and her veins began to hide which made treatment difficult. Taylor’s treatment felt never ending but she didn’t let it disrupt her bridal duties.
“During my four cycles of chemo I had my hen’s party in Sydney to which my oncologist was shocked as that weekend my routine tests came back the best they had been so far. So I guess a good laugh, a bit of shopping and a few cocktails really do work wonders,” she said.
“I was going to be a bald bride which I had never in my wildest dreams imagined happening but I embraced it and it’s a decision I will never regret,” she said.
On what was meant to be her final treatment, Taylor’s test results revealed the cancer had grown stubborn among other health complications. So she had to undergo another cycle of chemo and have blood transfusions to try and even out her deficiencies.
On the last day of treatment and upon returning to the chemotherapy ward in Lismore, she found the nurses had decorated her bed with flowers, champagne and a bride to be badge. Taylor is forever thankful for the cancer care nurses who offered their positivity, kind words and compassion.
Relay For Life allows all those impact by cancer to share their stories and for Taylor her favourite part is the strong sense of community. Like many others she relays to raise awareness and crucial funds to aid those affected by cancer.
“I love hearing the stories of the survivors and I just love the atmosphere, it’s so empowering to know that everyone taking part has a common goal to raise funds for those who are or were in the same position as I was,” said Ms Roberts.
Taylor is committed to a lifetime of regular testing to ensure her cancer does not return, the support and encouragement she received from her community allowed her to see a silver lining. By relaying Taylor gives back to all those who have supported her and ensures continuous support to those affected by cancer.
Taylor is now a cancer survivor and a married woman, and she will be joining the many others affected by cancer at the Lower Clarence Relay For Life. Taylor will be sharing her story at the candlelight ceremony, which will start at 9pm this coming Saturday, March 18 at the Yamba Public School.
Everyone in the community is welcome to attend the Relay For Life. For more information or to register a team in the Relay For Life, go to and like us on Facebook for updates at