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Survey: have your say on local health needs
The North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) is carrying out a health needs assessment to understand the health needs of local communities and to focus on the health care priorities that are identified.
As part of the assessment, NCPHN is asking north coast residents to fill out a survey about primary health care in their area (health care provided outside of hospital).
This information will enable NCPHN to plan for future health needs and address the concerns of residents about health care on the north coast.
The survey will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete and all information gathered is confidential. NCPHN will not be able to link a person’s name to their responses. It will be available online from February 15 to February 28.
NCPHN’s director, Commission and Clinician & Community Engagement, Wendy Pannach, is hoping a broad range of people will complete the survey.
“We are keen to get as many north coast residents as possible to fill in the survey so that we get a true picture of health care needs across our footprint,” she said.
“This will enable us to better plan for the future and prioritise the particular needs identified in the survey.
After the survey information is analysed, the results of the assessment will be made available through forums and NCPHN’s website in the coming months.
Those who complete the survey also go into a draw to win a $200 supermarket voucher. To fill out the survey, go to: and follow the link to the survey.
For an interview or more information about the survey or the needs assessment please contact Wendy Pannach on 0400 325 665.