Community News

Lilli at Angourie. Image: contributed

‘Surfers Talk’

As an extension to the Yamba Museum‘s highly successful Surfing: Angourie – Yamba Exhibition presently on display, the Museum is hosting a ‘Surfers Talk’ at 4pm on Saturday April 20; featuring world renowned surfer Nat Young, local surfer Heather McDonald and Physiotherapist Simon Ruse.

The trio will speak about their surfing experiences, technique and the energy required to ride waves and physical fitness for surfing. Also, the different experience one has riding longboards against shortboards and board technology. This three-way conversation will enlighten and educate the listener and prompt questions for the speakers. 

The fee is $10 adults’ and children under 15 free. Please book your seat at before April 18.

The Exhibition will be on display 10am – 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday until May 1.


Gai Pritchett