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A small group of people demonstrated their empathy for the plight of Ben Jones, whose farm will be acquired by the NSW Government to build the new Grafton correctional centre. Mr Jones had almost completed the construction of a new house on the 195 hectare property at Lavidia. Pic: Contributed

Support for Ben Jones

A small group of people demonstrated their empathy for the plight of Ben Jones, whose farm will be acquired by the NSW Government to build the new Grafton correctional centre. Mr Jones had almost completed the construction of a new house on the 195 hectare property at Lavidia. Pic: Contributed
A small group of people demonstrated their empathy for the plight of Ben Jones, whose farm will be acquired by the NSW Government to build the new Grafton correctional centre. Mr Jones had almost completed the construction of a new house on the 195 hectare property at Lavidia. Pic: Contributed
  A small group of people gathered last Friday at Ben Jones’ farm, which is the site of the proposed Grafton correctional centre. Mr Jones’ farm is being acquired by the NSW Government to facilitate the project, as reported in a story in last week’s paper, Seeking ‘fair’ compensation. A spokesperson for Mr Jones said the group was not protesting against a gaol being established near Grafton. “It’s about the way Ben and other land owners are treated when land is acquired by the government – they don’t have a choice,” she said. Mick Franklin, who organised the gathering, said he was against the land acquisition, “especially as some of Ben’s land had already been acquired for the highway upgrade; and being an 84-year-old having his future ripped out from under him.”