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Sportsmans Creek bridge to be removed on completion of new bridge at Lawrence
Roads and Maritime Services has announced the existing Sportsmans Creek bridge at Lawrence will be removed after a review of submissions received during the Review of Environmental Factors public display last year.
A Roads and Maritime spokesperson said the bridge was built in 1911 and is just 5.5 metres wide, restricting oversized traffic to one lane.
“The REF was publically displayed in August last year and after a review of submissions and input from the Office of Environment and Heritage, it has been determined to remove the bridge,” the spokesperson said.
“It has always been considered necessary to remove the old bridge, but only if it could be done safely and in a manner acceptable to the environmental.
“One of the main objectives of the new bridge project includes safely removing the bridge and minimising the impact on the neighbouring natural, cultural, social and environment.
“Roads and Maritime carefully considered the views of community members before the final decision was made.”
Work on the new bridge has been under way since July last year.
“The bridge will not be removed until the new bridge is open to traffic mid next year,” the spokesperson said.
“Surrounding agricultural businesses rely on the bridge for haulage requirements but it cannot be safely upgraded to allow for future traffic flows.
“About 40,000 tonnes of cane is currently transported across the bridge each harvest season.”
The submissions report is now available online and summarises responses to all questions and comments raised during the public display.
“The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) has reviewed both the submissions report and the species impact statement regarding microbats and agree the environmental mitigation measures proposed are appropriate,” the spokesperson said.
The new bridge aims to improve road safety for all road users, improve traffic efficiency in Lawrence and improve freight productivity.
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