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The jackpot winners for last Thursday the 8th were on rink 7 I Reid and K Power with the losers going to rink 6 R Wedd and N Goodwin, only one Campbell’s Wreckers resting toucher which went to G Kilduff at 1:52 pm, the jackpot did go off so will be at $86 for this week and the free games go to S Keedle and R Wedd. There are sheets on the notice board for Sweepstakes day to be held on Tuesday the 11th of July, and our next Tournament which will be the John Kelly Memorial Triples to be held on Sunday the 23rd of July,(any luck the sun will be out) more on these in the next couple of weeks. Bowlers please check the notice board for Championship games this weekend, no raffles this week. GI