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South Services Bowls
Results of the jackpot pairs last week, winners were on Rink 1 – M Vanzino and J Gaddy with the losers going to Rink 5 – B Cumming, D Wood and C Clark. The best resting toucher went to B Wormald at 1:43 (must have been Bazza’s first bowl), the jackpot did not go off and will be $230 when we resume on the 12th, free games that day will go to K Garner and B Baxter.
This Thursday will be Dad’s Army for May, the year is certainly moving, please have your team or single entry in by 12pm to help with the draw.
Our No 6 Pennant team has their last game this Saturday. It’s been a long drawn out season for them, the teams selected are – N Cox, R Shoebridge, M Pickard, G Kedzlie, J Gaddy, B Nichols, M Aspery, K Salter, D James, R Worthy, R Cornell, and J Ashenden manager and reserve J Fisher. This is a home game versus Yamba 12.40pm rollup.
Also on Saturday a game of Championship pairs with P Madden, B Wormald v B Shea, P Wilkie.
The bowls club will be having a Pennants appreciation day in the next few weeks, keep an eye on this column for more information. The triples and B Grade singles draw has been done and the sheets are up, anyone who can play their games during the week see me to organise cards etc. No raffles this week. Garry Ireland