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Saffin named one of Australia’s most influential women
Geoff Helisma
Former Page MP Janelle Saffin has been named as one Australia’s most influential women in ‘The Australian Financial Review Westpac 100 Women of Influence Awards 2015’.
Ms Saffin said she was “thrilled to be in the group with 99 other woman: great women doing great things for our country”.
“It’s nice recognition,” she said. “I’m just thrilled to know there’re so many good women out there doing so many good things.
“And there are many good women here locally, too; I’ve just been with the knitting nanas.
“They’re looking after our community.”
The most influential woman in each category – board and management, social enterprise, business enterprise, public policy, innovation, diversity, young leader, global, local/regional and culture –, as well as the most influential overall will be announced at The Australian Financial Review and Westpac 100 Women of Influence Awards evening on October 15 at the Sydney Town Hall.