President Maureen opened the October 8 meeting, welcoming the 18 members present.
As a prologue to the general meeting Maureen invited Betty Irons to read an amusing poem for Norfolk Island poet Archie Bigg, titled ‘Morla el Do’ (‘Tomorrow will Do.’)
President Maureen then introduced Alwyn Eagleton, Maclean deputy station commander, Fire and Rescue NSW.
In his introduction Alwyn explained, with the assistance of a PowerPoint presentation, the roles of Fire and Rescue NSW and how that body integrates with the RFS. Both organisations fight fires, but Fire and Rescue are responsible for the urban areas of the Maclean community, and RFS for the surrounding rural and bushland areas. Despite these differences both organisation, one professional (Fire & Rescue), the other voluntary (RFS), they work closely together in emergencies. Fire and Rescue Maclean has diverse roles in the community including as an accredited rescue unit dealing with motor accidents, hazardous materials and environmental risks, national disasters, humanitarian relief, medical response and importantly delivering fire prevention and education programs.
The second part of Alwyn’s presentation concentrated on fire safety in the home. He spoke of the importance of installing and maintaining adequate smoke alarms in the home, the dangers of heaters too close to flammable surfaces, extension cords and power boards and double adaptors being overloaded, even the need to clean lint filters in clothes dryers. Alwyn stressed the importance of each family household having a “Fire Escape Plan”. Members were invited to contact either Fire & Rescue or RFS, depending on their property’s location, to undertake a Safety Visit of their property. Members were each provided with a “How to Prevent Fires” handout and booklet “Fire Safety & Prevention in the Home”. Alwyn then answered questions from a few the members.
On behalf of members past president Ken thanked Alwyn, for a most interesting and informative presentation.
Past president Ken reported on the September 12 self-catered coach trip to Lanbruk’s Gunyah at Carr’s Creek and the Grafton district, which was organised by Yamba Tours. Ken thanked Chris Sparks for first suggesting that we join the tour and for providing a most enjoyable day and interesting venues. Ken also thanked Chris as the coach captain for his excellent and informative commentary.
The next meeting will be at 10am, November 12, with the general meeting, guest speaker and morning tea.
Ken Muller