I’m back, and nice to be so. I spent five glorious days in Maclean hospital, and apart from a painful knee, I thought I was on a trip to the Caribbean. Imagine, 5 days, 3 meals a day (and they were really good), I didn’t have to prepare any of them, and they were delivered on time and hot! The only thing missing were azure skies and aqua water…oh and Happy Hour.
All that being said, I know just what you are thinking “oh b…er. Exercises this week then”! And you’d be right. We will do all the exercises on the left side of the body from now on as my right arm won’t go up, and my right leg won’t either. But it will if I exercise… eventually. I have christened my wheely walker “Winx”, and we can almost get up to a gallop now. Where there is a will, there is a way. See you Friday boys n girls. No leotards required.
Now my trusty informant tells me that last week instead of exercises you played Pick A Stick. That was a good trick to get you up and moving. Apparently, each person chose a numbered paddle pop stick on arrival. As your number was called as in a raffle, you were required to go up and select your prize. They were many and varied including containers of lollies, chocolates, fruit juice, chips, pasta, cleaning products and bathroom packs. So that was a bit of fun for all, and different.
The raffle results were as follow:
1st prize to Peg who sensibly chose the wine.
2nd prize to Eileen for a Free Day Pass
3rd prize to Joan F for a Free Day Pass
4th prize to Dorothy for a Mini Hamper.
Winx and I are really looking forward to getting away from the stables and will see you next Friday bright eyed and bushy tailed.
That’s all folks.
Sue Gunning